AI SaaS Platform
Next.jsTypeScriptClerkTailwindCSSshadcn/uiOpenAI API PlatformAnthropicReplicate

AI SaaS Platform

A sophisticated Software-as-a-Service platform that integrates multiple AI capabilities into a unified web application built with Next.js 14, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS. The platform leverages cutting-edge AI models from various providers to offer a comprehensive suite of AI-powered tools.

A sophisticated Software-as-a-Service platform that integrates multiple AI capabilities into a unified web application built with Next.js 14, TypeScript, and Tailwind CSS. The platform leverages cutting-edge AI models from various providers to offer a comprehensive suite of AI-powered tools.

AI chat

AI chat

Key Features

  1. Multimodal AI Generation
  • Text Generation/Chat: Dual conversation interfaces using OpenAI's GPT models and Anthropic's Claude
  • Image Generation: Creates images using DALL-E 2 and DALL-E 3 with customizable parameters
AI image generation
  • Code Generation: Specialized code creation with syntax highlighting and copy functionality
  • Video Generation: AI-powered video creation using Replicate's models
  • Music Generation: AI-based audio and music creation capabilities
  1. Modern Authentication & Security
  • Secure user authentication implemented via Clerk
  • Protected routes and API endpoints
  • Environment variable configuration for secure API key management
  1. Professional UI/UX
  • Clean, responsive interface using shadcn/ui components
  • Dark mode support
  • Mobile-optimized sidebar navigation
  • Loading states and error handling
  • Toast notifications for user feedback
  • Markdown rendering for AI responses
  1. Technical Implementation
  • Full TypeScript support for type safety
  • API route handling with proper error management
  • Local storage integration for conversation persistence
  • Form handling with Zod validation
  • Responsive layout with Tailwind CSS
  • Component-based architecture using React best practices
  1. Infrastructure
  • Next.js 14 app router for optimal routing and server-side rendering
  • RESTful API endpoints for AI service integration
  • Middleware configuration for route protection
  • Environment configuration for multiple deployment scenarios

Technical Stack

  • Frontend: React, Next.js 14, TypeScript
  • Styling: Tailwind CSS, shadcn/ui
  • Authentication: Clerk
  • AI Services: OpenAI, Anthropic, Replicate
  • Form Management: React Hook Form, Zod
  • UI Components: Radix UI, Lucide Icons
  • Additional Tools: Axios, React Markdown, TypeWriter Effect

The platform demonstrates proficiency in modern web development practices, API integration, and creating production-ready SaaS applications. It showcases the ability to work with multiple AI services while maintaining a cohesive user experience and robust security measures.

This project serves as an excellent example of building a full-featured SaaS application that combines multiple AI capabilities into a single, user-friendly platform while implementing best practices in web development and security.